Throughout the year there are key dates that provide retailers with the opportunity to gain sales leverage over-and-above the normal day-to-day sales. As expected Christmas is one such occasion, it provides a great selling period, every year it’s noticeable that the shelves begin to fill up with Christmas goods even earlier than the previous one! Other seasonal opportunities may not offer such extended shelf-life but still, provide a great reason for retailers to consider selling seasonal or occasion ranges.
With Easter and Mother’s Day sales steadily growing year-on-year, and Halloween displaying an unbelievable growth over recent years there are huge opportunities for all. Wilko recognised the rise in Halloween as a party occasion, as a result, they challenged their buyers to select of range of exciting and fun fancy dress costumes, makeup and party props. Wowme were then asked to consider how Wilko could become the go-to high street retailer for all things Halloween. What we created for them was unique, a complete look they could own; a look that delivered a huge amount of theatre, a bespoke set of illustrated characters coupled fun family friendly tone-of-voice copy. We then rolled out all of the design elements across all touch points; from packaging, through to point of sale and even onto the product themselves. This all helped deliver something really different. Our work to bring Wilko’s Halloween offering to life has delivered amazing sales uplifts for the period…no scares there!